Black History Month Art Kit – Ages 6-Adult

Black History Month Take Home Art Kits: Ages 6-Adult

Paint like Alma Thomas! Each kit will contain instructions, paint, brush and canvas to create your own Alma Thomas-inspired landscape!

Pickup in the Children’s Library beginning February 3, while supplies last.


Art Buffet Take-Home Kit: Ages 4-Adult

Art Buffet Take-Home Kits: Ages 4-Adult

Each kit will have a variety of craft items such as paint, glue, paper, canvas, plus odds and ends from our craft supplies! What will you create?

Register by June 17 for a June 25 pickup.

One kit per family!


Family Craft Kit: Eco-printing on fabric

July Family Craft Kit

Pick up kits from July 20 – July 29

This kit will include almost* all the materials needed to both learn about and work together to make your own eco printing designs on both fabric and paper.

When signing up, please indicate the number and ages of the children taking part in the activity.

*- The following materials will not be provided:

–Flowers and leaves you would like to use on your eco printing. Information on the best plants to use will be included.

–A large pot for steaming your rolled up fabric/paper.  Once used, this pot should not be used for cooking of food.



After School Adventures – Explore Our New S.T.E.A.M. Kits – Grades 1-5

After School MAY 2023

Children in Grades 1 – 5 are invited to explore our new S.T.E.A.M. kits at this event.*  Available kit topics may include: Animal Games, Arts & Crafts, Building & Design, Everyday Science, Explore Circuits, Flowers & Unicorns, Letters & Numbers, Marvel Phonics, Math Games, Mechanical Advantage, Money, Math & Economics, Police and Firefighter, Ready Set Kindergartner, Robotics and Coding, Rocks & Fossils, Stamps & Stencils, Tot Time Game Night, Understanding Our Universe, and World of Colors.  Kits may be borrowed if you would like to extend the fun and learning at home!

This month, Afterschool Adventures will meet in the Activity Room next to our main circulation desk.

*This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.

Family Craft Kit: Build a Fairy/Dino Garden

Family Craft Kit

Build a Fairy or Dino Garden

Register here and let us know if the family members are children, teen or adult to get a personalized craft kit. For children, specify a preference for fairies or dinosaurs. Quantities will be limited so register soon!

Register by June 22 for pickup June 29-July 16.


After School Adventures – Explore Our New S.T.E.A.M. Kits – Grades 1-5


After School APR 2023 (2)

Children in Grades 1 – 5 are invited to explore our new S.T.E.A.M. kits at this event.*  Available kit topics may include: Animal Games, Arts & Crafts, Building & Design, Everyday Science, Explore Circuits, Flowers & Unicorns, Letters & Numbers, Marvel Phonics, Math Games, Mechanical Advantage, Money, Math & Economics, Police and Firefighter, Ready Set Kindergartner, Robotics and Coding, Rocks & Fossils, Stamps & Stencils, Tot Time Game Night, Understanding Our Universe, and World of Colors.  Kits may be borrowed if you would like to extend the fun and learning at home!

This month, Afterschool Adventures will meet in the Activity Room next to our main circulation desk.

*This project is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.

After School Adventures- Explore Codes & Ciphers – Grades 1-5

Learn how to send your friends secret messages with codes, ciphers & invisible ink!

This month, Afterschool Adventures will meet in the Activity Room next to our main circulation desk.  Please register by March 27 if you plan to attend.

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